Russian trip package for organized student groups

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If you are a school teacher or university professor, we’ll be happy to help you organize a student trip to Russia.

The popularity of language travel has been growing for decades, and it’s easy to see why. Despite the fact that it certainly requires considerable time and money investment, it has proven to be the fastest and most efficient way of mastering the language, especially practical communication skills. Above that, it also always has a great impact on students’ motivation. As every teacher knows, motivation is a crucial factor. It is true for adults, who usually have an important personal or job-related reason to learn a foreign language, but even more for high school and university students, who sometimes don’t understand why they should learn a language.

Group trips to Sochi, with lots of real-life language practice in a marvelous Olympic resort with its leisure activities and picturesque nature make great boost both to students’ language level and motivation and remain an unforgettable experience for life.

We take care of all aspects of your language trip: visa support, accommodation, meeting in the airport and transfer to the city centre, language courses and practice, cultural activities program, assistance with shopping and everything else including health or security issues, if any arise.

We regard Russian language teachers as our best partners and most precious clients, we appreciate long-term cooperation with you, and we are always happy to offer your group excellent service and treatment.

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